Monday, September 13, 2010

Telepathic Bones - Brian Lucas

16 pages
side stapled
$5 postage paid


Launch into mapless days
untroubled by eye morphing
into electric cicada
sun-spill and river drones

Cyclones - Roberto Piva

Translated by Chris Daniels
72 pages
side stapled
$ postage paid



cold on topaz frontiers
I abandoned me to the Windgod's month
flowered in my body a secret point
between the living comets of ecstasy

One step from the bird I breathe in - Orides Fontela

Selected Poems

Translated by Chris Daniels
Selected and edited with Chris Chen

29 pages
side stapled
$ postage paid


To See

To see
the back
of the sun the
of chaos the

To see. To see one's self.
To say nothing.

Manifesti - Roberto Piva

15 pages
side stapled
$ postage paid


from Tea-Kettles, Bile & Balls

We invite everyone to enter into dissolution & deregula-
tion. Life must not succumb to the tourniquet of Con-
science. Life is always bursting with the furthest beyond.


Florid Pores - Josely Vianna Baptista

Translated by Chris Daniels

30 pages
side stapled
$postage paid


All reflections behold other echoes,
and time runs in fluid
reflections down the curved
mirror of differences.

(Infrared garnets
their petrean flaws)
